Blog Post

Creating a Video Campaign That Converts

Spin Creative • Aug 12, 2019

You’re probably familiar with the marketing videos that introduce your brand to a viewer just discovering your company. But what do you do about the viewer that is aware of your company, but just isn’t convinced enough to convert?

Spin Creative behind the scenes image of a video production shoot in Seattle, showing a production assistant holding a clapboard and actor on set.

Like other points in the sales funnel, video can be the tool that convinces viewers to get to that next step and ultimately convert. Featuring video on your website and social will nearly double the amount of conversions you see, making video a worthwhile investment for boosting sales.

Check out our tips below on creating a video campaign that converts prospects to customers.

Make your point quickly

Video is a captivating medium, but viewers ultimately lose interest over time. How you structure your video is a delicate balancing act: you need to hook the audience and make them want to know more, but not tease the information for so long that they get bored and close the video.

Know what you want to do with each video

You may be tempted to keep your videos vague to maximize how often you can use the video, but you shouldn’t throw up a video for video’s sake. Each video should have a clear purpose that is obvious to the viewer and offers clear instruction on what to do next.

Use a thumbnail featuring a friendly face

There’s no more inviting sight to a viewer than a friendly face and a ‘play’ button in a video thumbnail. Think of these two things as a virtual wave hello at someone walking past your company’s storefront. Research shows thumbnails featuring friendly human faces generate many more clicks, and that the play button is still necessary for demonstrating that yes, this is a video.

Have a clear call-to-action

Whether it’s sign up for your free e-book, shop the sale or subscribe to your channel, you need to explicitly tell the audience that. Closing each video with a strong call-to-action and supplementing with any captions or text will be like a bright light leading your viewer to the next step.

Find your audience

Standing out on the street yelling about your business probably won’t work (though it might make for interesting video content), and neither would posting a social ad targeted at everyone on the platform. For video that converts, focus on your target audience. It may be different than your usual audience, which is good as long as it’s helping gain conversions.

Create personalized videos for prospects

Go one step beyond the social advertising and create a more personalized video for prospective clients who are in the middle of your sales funnel. Instead of following up with a text-heavy email, film a quick video message explaining that you weren’t able to get ahold of the client via phone but would love to talk about his or her needs. This doesn’t need to be a fancy video production; a simple hello video will go a long way in making a client feel special.

Substitute video for copy

No one is excited by a wall of text on a website. When it makes sense, have video do the talking for you. From simple introductions to complicated processes, video can do a lot more to convert prospective customers in one minute than all the best copy could. Look at the most popular pages on your website, particularly on conversion pages, and see how you can create video content from your web copy.

If you’re interested in how to convert leads with video, Spin Creative is here to help. Say hello !

About Us

Spin Creative is a video production company and creative agency helping marketers create winning video and creative strategies that engage, inspire and activate targeted audiences. Spin is headquartered in Seattle with offices in San Francisco and London, serving brands around the globe.

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