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Measuring Success in TV Advertising: Rethinking Metrics for a Multi-Platform Viewing Environment

Spin Creative • Aug 29, 2023

Television advertising has been a mainstay of marketing strategies for decades, but in today's digital age, relying on traditional metrics to measure success is no longer enough. 

Man working on laptop in creative environment

With the rise of streaming services, connected TVs, and mobile devices, consumers now have the freedom to consume content on multiple platforms. 

Brands must rethink how they measure the success of their marketing efforts. Keep reading to examine some of the new metrics that brands should consider as they navigate the multi-platform viewing environment.

Viewability metrics

One metric to consider is viewability, which measures whether an ad was actually seen by its intended audience. In today's fragmented viewing landscape, measuring viewability can be challenging. However, toolkits are available to help brands determine the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns by measuring how long and how often ads were viewed across various platforms.

Engagement metrics

Another way to measure success is through engagement metrics, which gauge how viewers interact with advertising content. These metrics can be analyzed through social media platforms, which require viewers to engage with an ad actively. It is also important to assess how audiences interact with ads, whether they click on them, or watch the full video, or move over them. Engagement metrics from these channels can help brands customize their marketing strategies according to their target audiences.

Cross-platform reach metrics

Today, advertisers must operate in a cross-device, cross-platform world, where consumers can view content on multiple devices. Brands need to analyze viewership across different platforms, such as streaming services, connected TVs, and mobile devices, to get a more accurate picture of their advertising campaign’s reach. Cross-platform metrics offer valuable insights into a network's overall performance, and brands can use this information to allocate their ad spend more effectively.

Measuring sales impact

Ultimately, the primary goal of advertising is to increase sales. Measuring the direct impact of a marketing campaign can be challenging; however, it is possible. Brands can work with sales data teams to track the sales impact of an advertising campaign over a set period. By doing so, marketers can accurately gauge their advertising's effectiveness, adjust their campaigns accordingly, and make informed decisions.

Brand lift metrics

Brand lift measures the impact of an advertising campaign on brand recognition and is a direct measure of the campaign's overall efficacy. Using surveys, brands can determine the difference in metrics such as awareness, ad recall, and consideration between groups exposed to their advertising and control groups not exposed to the ad campaign. Measuring brand lift is a valuable tool for brands and helps ensure their advertising campaigns produce the desired result to improve customer perception about the brand.

Today’s brands must adopt new metrics to measure success

Measuring the success of advertising campaigns in today's multi-platform environment requires marketers to rethink their approach. As consumers' viewing habits change, so must the way marketers measure success. Need help creating TV ads that resonate with your audience? Say hello to Spin Creative and increase their advertising campaign's effectiveness, improve ROI and customer engagement with compelling ads that connect with today’s viewers.

About Us
Spin Creative is a video production company and creative agency helping marketers create winning video and creative strategies that engage, inspire and activate targeted audiences. Spin is headquartered in Seattle with offices in San Francisco and London, serving brands around the globe.

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