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Three Social Media Videos that Power Sales

Spin Creative • Feb 05, 2019

Views are an easy success metric when creating videos for your company, but what about videos that drive sales? Video is a great way to engage with customers and build strong brand awareness, especially when promoted to your target audience on social media.

Book trailer video produced by Seattle video production company Spin Creative featuring a man reaching with his hand touching a window seen from behind during sunrise

How do you improve the more difficult to obtain– and more difficult to capture – conversion metric? Read on for three types of videos that power sales.

1. Storytelling videos

Telling the story behind your company or your particular products is a great way to demonstrate brand values while ultimately marketing to customers. Storytelling captures the viewer’s imagination in a way that makes it feel less like an ad and more like captivating content, giving them a positive feeling towards your brand and encouraging emotional investment.

When selecting a subject, choose a product with a compelling story people will want to share with others; it might not necessarily be the newest product or most-popular product. Perhaps your pasta sauce was inspired by your grandmother’s recipe, or an employee’s child is the genius behind one of your products. Storytelling is also a great framework for creating a testimonial video featuring a client speaking about how your company helped them.

Book Trailer Video, Amazon Publishing, Produced by Spin Creative

2. Product showcases and demonstrations

Video can be incredibly convincing because it showcases how your product works. If your product is technical or complex, potential customers will be more inclined to purchase a product they better understand. A video that illustrates your brand’s personality with a fun or silly demonstration also makes for content that is both informative and shareable. Be sure to include a call to action to let viewers know where to buy your product.

If making a brand-new video for each product isn’t realistic, you can still use video to showcase your products. Use photos of your products set with text and music to make a video that can be used on your website and social media that is more engaging than a still ad.

Product Launch Video, Ion Torrent, Produced by Spin Creative

3. Sales and promotions

Go beyond a simple website banner or social media post and create a video to promote an upcoming sale or promotion. With video, you can put in a lot more information about the terms of the promotion and showcase the items while captivating the video. Creating a sense of urgency by stressing the limited timeframe will encourage customers to get to your site and make a purchase quickly.

As with product showcase videos, these videos don’t need to be created specifically for this sale. You can use footage from other videos and photos of the products on sale, combined with text or maybe voiceover to advertise your upcoming deals. Make sure any accompanying text on social posts also include clear details about the promotional terms.

Point of Sale Video, MyQ Garage, Produced by Spin Creative

Say hello and let's discuss creating social media video strategies that can move the needle for your brand and business.

About Us

Spin Creative is a video production company and creative agency helping marketers create winning video and creative strategies that engage, inspire and activate targeted audiences. Spin is headquartered in Seattle with offices in San Francisco and London, serving brands around the globe.

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