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What is Conversational Marketing and How Can You Use It in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Spin Creative • Sep 09, 2022

Consumers want to speak with their favorite brands. In the midst of churning out marketing messages, companies need to stop and listen to what consumers have to say. 

Close up hands typing on laptop

Conversational marketing drives you closer to a sale while maintaining communication with your audience. Here’s how you can incorporate conversational marketing into your brand’s social media.

How conversational marketing works

Conversational marketing leverages two-way communication to improve the customer service experience. This form of marketing takes place when you and the customer talk in real time. Social media is a great channel to integrate conversational marketing because comments, Tweets and direct messages allow consumers to speak with real humans behind your brand.

Consumers crave real human interactions. One-sided marketing tactics like commercials, websites and printed materials are only one piece of the puzzle. Brands need conversational marketing to create a well-rounded strategy that attracts and retains loyal customers. Conversations help customers feel heard, and in turn, you’ll learn about their needs to help optimize interactions with your brand.

Build a chatbot on your website

Chatbots are one way to build conversational marketing into your brand. While they don’t involve talking to a real human, chatbots give fast responses to customer questions and concerns. They’re a great tool for solving common issues that don’t require the expertise of a sales representative. Chatbots free up your phone lines, which cuts down on wait times for customers who have more complex concerns.

Despite the computer-generated responses, chatbots simulate instant messaging with another person. The quick back-and-forth exchanges make customers feel like they’re texting a friendly sales representative. You can add a human touch to the chatbot by incorporating emojis and your brand’s voice into each response.

Host a livestream with your audience

Social media presents many opportunities to engage consumers in real time. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok have features that let brands go live on their social profiles. Consumers love tuning into livestreams because they get to associate a face with the brand. Plus, live video is your chance to collect instant feedback and answer customer questions.

There’s much you can do with live video. Host a Q&A session, start a poll or simply chat with your audience. Unveil your latest product and how it works on the next livestream. Live video is the closest you’ll get to meeting with consumers in person while operating on a digital platform.

Open the door to private messaging

Email and phone lines are too slow for many consumers. They want answers fast, which makes private messaging a useful tool in your conversational marketing strategy. Private messaging allows consumers to directly get in touch with someone at your company. More people are flocking to social media than ever before, so a sales representative has to be available on the consumers’ preferred channel of communication.

Talk with your customers, not at them. Target audiences want to know there are real human faces behind a brand. Conversational marketing paves the way for you and consumers to connect with each other in real time. Ready to build those consumer relationships and push your brand further? Say hello to Spin Creative for more ideas on how to spark conversations on social media.

About Us

Spin Creative is a video production company and creative agency helping marketers create winning video and creative strategies that engage, inspire and activate targeted audiences. Spin is headquartered in Seattle with offices in San Francisco and London, serving brands around the globe. 

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