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Top Video Types for Top-of-Funnel Leads

Spin Creative • Sep 21, 2021

First impressions make all the difference. The initial contact your brand makes with its target demographic will determine whether the customer will dig deeper or turn away. The top, middle and bottom of the sales funnel serve different purposes, and so should the videos placed every step of the way. 

Image of a close up of a video production monitor on set for table top video shoot

Creating solid video content for the top of your sales funnel is crucial to moving potential customers down to that final sale. Take a look at which types of videos are most effective at capturing top-of-funnel leads.

Build your own reputation

At the top of the sales funnel, consumers don’t know who you are. Develop a strong relationship with potential customers right out of the gate by giving a brief background about your brand’s values, charitable efforts and workplace atmosphere. If the target demographic views your business in a positive light, they’re more likely to remember you in the future when their problems require a solution.

Brand videos are top-of-funnel content because you need to gain the audience’s trust before landing a sale. Consumers progress to the middle stage only if they deem a business worthy of their time. This type of video isn’t about reaching into a person’s wallet right away. At this stage, your only concern is appearing likeable and forming a connection. 

Illustrate how your product works

Videos at the top of the funnel should demonstrate how a product or service fits into the consumer’s life. Tell a story with relatable characters that experience the same problem as your target demographic. Show people struggling with that problem and how your brand’s product or service makes their life a whole lot easier. Consumers will be able to insert themselves into the narrative and realize that your product is the solution they’ve been looking for all along.

Top-of-funnel product videos are different from ones you’d see in the middle of the funnel. Videos further down the funnel are often longer and delve into greater detail about the product or service. Middle-of-the-funnel content includes tutorials and demo videos that highlight product features. At the top, grab viewers’ attention by illustrating a familiar scenario, then briefly show your product near the end.

Establish yourself as a thought leader

When consumers have a question, they take to the internet for answers. They depend on brands that are experts in their respective industries to dispense knowledge about topics relevant to their everyday lives. When situated at the top of the funnel, educational videos build awareness for your brand and let potential customers know you are someone to be trusted.

Unlike middle-of-the-funnel content, don’t spend too much time talking about your product or service. Consumers should get the feeling that your brand cares more about making their lives easier than making a sale. Briefly mentioning your product at the end of the video is enough to coax potential customers further down the funnel.

Remember, video content at the top of the funnel is all about building connections. Viewers are constantly bombarded with ads urging them to “use this” or “buy that.” Set your brand apart from the competition by establishing a relationship with the customer first and worrying about the sale later. 

Need a video ad campaign for your sales funnel but not sure where to start? Say hello to Spin Creative!

About Us

Spin Creative is a video production company and creative agency helping marketers create winning video and creative strategies that engage, inspire and activate targeted audiences. Spin is headquartered in Seattle with offices in San Francisco and London, serving brands around the globe.

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